Assessment of consistent next-to-quasicircular corrections and post-adiabatic approximation in multipolar binary black holes waveforms

Gunnar Riemenschneider, Piero Rettegno, Matteo Breschi, Angelica Albertini, Rossella Gamba, Sebastiano Bernuzzi, Alessandro Nagar

Preprint on arxiv:2104.07533 [gr-qc]

Published in Phys.Rev.D 104 (2021) 10, 104045


The use of effective-one-body (EOB) waveforms for black hole binaries analysis in gravitational-wave astronomy requires faithful models and fast generation times. A key aspect to achieve faithfulness is the inclusion of numerical-relativity (NR) informed next-to-quasicircular corrections (NQC), dependent on the radial momentum, to the waveform and radiation reaction. A robust method to speed up the waveform generation is the postadiabatic iteration to approximate the solution of the EOB Hamiltonian equations. In this work, we assess the performances of a fast NQC prescription in combination to the postadiabatic method for generating multipolar gravitational waves. The outlined approach allows a consistent treatment of NQC in both the waveform and the radiation-reaction, does not require iterative procedures to achieve high faithfulness, and can be efficiently employed for parameter estimation. Comparing to 611 NR simulations, for total mass 10  M⊙≤M≤200  M⊙ and using the Advanced LIGO noise, the model has EOB/NR unfaithfulness well below 0.01, with 78.5% of the cases below 0.001. We apply the model to the parameter estimation of GW150914 exploring the impact of the new NQC and of the higher modes up to ℓ=m=8.
